Areas of Practice



How do I bail my friend or family member out of jail?  How does the bail system in Canada work?

In Canada, bail hearings and the right for everyone to be released on bail if it is reasonable in the circumstances, is protected by our Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  However, this does not mean that if charged with a criminal offence and held for bail, that someone will automatically be granted bail.  Quite often the crown opposes bail and a contested hearing must take place before a Justice, whom will then decide whether to grant bail and if so, on which terms or bail conditions.  Bail court runs daily, even on weekends and holidays.

What is important to note is that an accused only gets one shot at a bail hearing, so hiring the right lawyer to conduct the hearing is crucial.  If you’re looking for a bail hearing lawyer, Lisa is your best choice.

Lisa has a vast array of experience in obtaining bail successfully on even the most serious charges and accordingly, she is the right person for the job.  When looking for a bail hearing lawyer in Toronto or the GTA, Lisa is the right choice.  By hiring Lisa, you will learn how the bail system works and you or your loved one will have the best chance at getting released on bail.

Also, if someone you know has been denied bail and they wish to appeal the decision, contact Lisa, as she has had great success in this area.

Click here for full contact information.



If you are looking for a domestic assault lawyer, Lisa White is an excellent choice.  The majority of the cases that Lisa takes on are domestic assault charges.

Lisa deals with anything from threatening and simple assault charges, to sexual assault charges.  These types of cases are generally quite sensitive in nature, given that the accused and the complainant are or were in the past, involved in some form of intimate relationship.

Through the experience gained in a multitude of these cases, she has learned innovative ways to deal with these matters in terms of what her clients can do to put themselves in the best possible position to deal with these charges, regardless of whether they want to go to trial or plead guilty.

Click here for full contact information.



Are you a victim or the complainant of a domestic assault or some other crime?  Has your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife been charged with assault or some other form of crime against you?  Do you need to obtain legal advice so that you know what your rights are and what your legal options are?  Do you want to know if there is anything that you can do to make your voice heard in the Courts and with the prosecution?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, hiring Lisa is the best decision you can make.

Quite often when one partner or spouse is charged criminally for assaulting the other, the non-accused spouse wishes to obtain legal advice in terms of what their options are surrounding the case.  Lisa can be of assistance to you in this regard, as well.

Click here for full contact information.



Are you looking for legal representation on Fraud, Theft Over or Under $5000, Mischief or Possession of Stolen Property charges?

Lisa has dealt with various forms of these charges, ranging from the theft of a chocolate bar to $1,000,000 fraud schemes.  She has dealt with all levels of these offences in terms of their sophistication, as well.  As Fraud cases generally arise as a result of some sort of paper trail, they tend to generate a large amount of disclosure.  Lisa will review all of the disclosure, page by page, with attention to every detail of your case.  Since she works independently, take solace in knowing that she will personally be reviewing and working on your file. 

If looking for a lawyer on a Fraud, Theft, Mischief or Possession of Stolen Property charge, Lisa is your best choice.  Click here for full contact information.



Lisa has defended numerous types of these cases successfully.  Being charged with sexual assault is extremely daunting, particularly because the Criminal Code of Canada does not differentiate between touching someone for a sexual purpose and forced intercourse.  Accordingly, the stigma attached to a sexual assault conviction can be overwhelmingly harsh.  Being a female criminal defence lawyer, Lisa believes that she has insight with these types of cases in terms of her ability to view these matters not only from a legal perspective, but a female perspective, which has proven to be advantageous to her clients.  To best prepare yourself for the defence of this type of charge, hire Lisa. 

Are you or someone you know facing sexual assault charges in Toronto or the GTA?  If so, Lisa White is your best choice for a lawyer in this area.  Click here for full contact information.



Have you been charged with Impaired Driving, Over 80, Dangerous Driving, Criminal Negligence or Drive Disqualified in Toronto or the GTA?  If so, hiring the right lawyer is the best thing you can do to defend yourself.  If convicted of these charges, the court-imposed penalties are stiff, not to mention the elevation of insurance premiums.  Accordingly, contacting Lisa is the most important first step you can take to deal with these types of charges.

Quite possibly the most common type of charges laid in Canada are Impaired Driving and ‘Over 80’.  This is a very technical area of law and there have been a multitude of changes to these laws in recent years.  Canada has some of the toughest drinking and driving laws in the world, coupled with very severe consequences, which makes it all the more important to ensure that you hire Lisa, who is very knowledgeable in this area.

Lisa also deals with Dangerous Driving (Operation), Drive Disqualified and criminal negligence charges by way of driving offences, and has done so successfully many times.

Click here for full contact information.



With the recent introduction of Bill C-10 by the Federal government, penalties are much stiffer for many types of offences in Canada.  Among the charges involving these stiff penalties are drug-related offences.  There are a multitude of mandatory minimum sentences attached to many of these offences, which means that if convicted, the Judge will not have the discretion that they once did in terms of an appropriate sentence.  Accordingly, hiring the right lawyer is crucial to ensure that you get your best possible defence. 

Lisa has successfully defended clients charged with these types of offences, including Possession, Trafficking, Production of a Controlled Substance and Conspiracy-related drug charges.  Click here for full contact information.



Are you facing a weapons dangerous charge or a charge of carrying a concealed or prohibited weapon?  If so, Lisa White is your best defence.

Much like drug offences, there are now mandatory minimum sentences that have been put in place by our federal government for persons convicted of any one of a number of weapons-related charges.   Lisa will do everything in her power to ensure that you have the best defence.  Click here for full contact information.



The Youth Criminal Justice Act governs those persons who, at the time they allegedly committed a criminal offence, were between the ages of 12 and 17.  These young persons are still charged criminally but, unlike adults, sentencing guidelines are found in a separate piece of legislation from the Criminal Code of Canada, being the Youth Criminal Justice Act.  The focus of this Act is on restorative justice.   However, that being said, members of the public often mistakenly think if a person is found guilty of a crime before they turn 18, somehow their record is wiped clean once they reach adulthood.  This is not necessarily the case.

When hiring a lawyer to represent you or the child in your care, it is important to ensure that the lawyer you choose is experienced in dealing with youth matters.  Young persons charged have their whole lives ahead of them and a tarnished record could preclude them from realizing their goals later on in their adult life.  Lisa is quite experienced in this area and has obtained excellent results for her clients.  You can rest assured that if there is a way to avoid you or the child in your care having a legal indiscretion follow them into adulthood, Lisa will find it.  Click here for full contact information.



Are you or someone you know facing a criminal harassment charge?  Lisa White is the smart choice for a criminal harassment lawyer.  She is your best defence.

These types of charges can arise as a result of allegations of excessively communicating with, watching,  following or engaging in threatening conduct towards a person when such activity is clearly unwanted, or by being reckless as to whether such conduct is unwanted.  Sentences on conviction of this offence can range from a discharge to jail, dependent upon the severity of the behaviour that the Court finds took place. 

Finding the right lawyer is crucial to ensuring you are defended in the most effective way possible.  Lisa has dealt with many of these types of cases successfully.   Click here for full contact information.



Sometimes when persons are found guilty of criminal offences, they wish to appeal their conviction.  Lisa has done appellate work in various capacities for 12 years and has done so quite successfully.  If you have been convicted of an offence and wish to appeal your conviction, Lisa will discuss the case with you and offer an opinion as to whether your appeal has merit and will only suggest that you proceed with an appeal if she thinks the case can be won.  On that, you have her guarantee.  Click here for full contact information.